Zij werkt aan projecten die uiteenlopende kanten van het vakgebied belichten; o.a. tuin- en parkontwerp, masterplannen voor stedelijke ontwikkellocaties, landschapsvisies, regionale plannen en infrastructurele projecten. De laatste jaren zijn daar projecten met het accent op (duurzame) energie en energietransitie bijgekomen.
Director, Landscape architect
Nikol Dietz

Nikol studied landscape architecture at the Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam. She graduated on the Grensmaas project, for which she received the 1st prize at the Archiprix in 1997. From 1990 to 1997 she worked for the municipality of Amsterdam, where she made design and policy plans for public space.
Nikol has been working at H+N+S since 1997, where she developed into a senior landscape architect. At the end of 2011 she joined the management of H+N+S.
Nikol works on numerous projects that focus on a greener city. Sometimes it concerns existing greenery that is upgraded, as with the design plans for Arnhems Buiten. But more often it concerns a new green addition to the city. The hospital garden of Rijnstate (Arnhem), the new park Belle Vue in Leuven and the Amaliapark in Leidsche Rijn are examples of this. She works on master plans with the same intention, for example the Wagenwerkplaats as home base of H+N+S and Green Park Aalsmeer.
Landscape integration of large-scale infrastructure is another field of interest for Nikol. For example, she worked on the route determination and integration of the N69 in Brabant and on the N31 integration vision 'Haak om Leeuwarden', an assignment that in turn led to the landscape plan Leeuwarden west with associated layout plans for the villages of Ritsumasyl, Deinum and Marsum. She recently participated in the tender for the Hoevelaken junction and in the integration of the Western Access Road in Amersfoort.
Nikol has a special interest in shaping the energy challenge. She contributed to the publication of the book 'Landscape and energy, designing for transition' and always has a design assignment related to energy transition under her care. Examples are the spatial vision wind energy E40 zone (Belgium) and the future perspective space and energy for the province of South Holland. She is currently working on the Energielinie project.
Other activities
In addition to her work at H+N+S, Nikol is a guest lecturer at the Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam and Wageningen University. Until the end of 2010 she was a member of the Amsterdam Council for Urban Development. Occasionally she takes part in a jury (including Archiprix, Gouden Piramide) and competitions. In 2001 she won the basic prize at the Prix de Rome.