His challenge is the complete integration of utility and beauty in one plan. That is why he links his love for the Dutch landscape to a special fascination for technology: how the system works. Pieter works on a wide range of projects. Regional design and vision formation are of particular interest to him. Working according to the layer approach is self-evident for him, based on the idea that unique qualities always arise from a specific interaction between subsurface, water and nature, networks and land use. Pieter always makes logical connections between the past, the present and the future in these plans. He also has a lot of experience in and interest in projects in the field of water and design.
Director, Landscape architect
Pieter Schengenga

Pieter Schengenga is a landscape architect and director of H+N+S Landscape Architects.
The involvement in Room for the River is a 'long line' in Pieter's work. This ranges from the Long-Term Vision and Future Pictures (2003), via planning studies for the surroundings of Zuthpen and Kampen, among others, up to and including the concrete implementation of Room for the Waal in Nijmegen (landscape plan in implementation phase), the IJsseldelta and the dyke improvements along the Lower Rhine and Lek (HOP Spatial Quality Guide and implementation supervision on behalf of the Rivierenland Water Board). Pieter was also involved in the Northern Maas dikes (supervision in drawing up the guidelines for spatial quality, commissioned by the Limburg Water Board). Pieter exported his landscape approach to water issues to New Orleans and Long Island, among others. He knows the different roles that a landscape architect can play within such long-term complex projects: on the side of the initiator, but also on the side of contractors during tenders and implementation. He can therefore empathize with the various interests and knows how to safeguard the spatial ambitions for the next phases. Since the end of 2018, he has been researching the bottlenecks and opportunities for combating desiccation of the Elevated Sandy Soils (Delta Programme) on behalf of H+N+S.
For the Province of South Holland, Pieter conducted research into the possibilities of windmills in and around the national landscapes. Pieter was then involved in the next round: assessment of new locations that will be included in the VRM in South Holland. Pieter developed the image quality plan for the major wind energy task in the Wieringermeer (400 MW). Together with Over Morgen, he organized the workshops as part of the sustainable energy exploration in the North Veluwe. In 2018-2019, Pieter is involved in drawing up the energy vision for the municipality of Enschede, developing a framework for solar fields in the province of South Holland and drawing up the Regional Energy Strategy Zaanstreek-Waterland. In 2018, a concept was developed for the Green Development Fund Brabant for the connection between nature development and sustainable energy production.
A coherent vision has been drawn up for the South Holland country estate zone. Sub-areas with distinctive qualities have been designated here. The drafting took place in collaboration with the Erfgoedtafel, a consultation of various stakeholders and interested parties in the field of heritage. Specific measures have been identified for each area and country estate that would give them new meaning as a quality in the urbanized region. Other projects in which heritage played a major role include the area vision for the Kinderdijk World Heritage, the Roman Limes heritage line and the plan for the reinforcement of the Molenkade in Groot Ammers (regional flood defences).
In the Tynaarlo landscape development plan, the layers approach has been consistently implemented as a model for sustainable development of rural areas. The system of stream valleys provides a natural cohesion. The higher ridges in between and also the villages each got their own accent, their own 'colour'. Pieter is currently project leader of the Duin- en Bollenstreek area identity project. From a regional concept, we arrive at a concrete plan for flowery roadsides in 5 cooperating municipalities. The result: a rich and 'biodiverse' network and a strengthening of the image for residents and visitors. Pieter has drawn up various 'area profiles' for the province of South Holland. The area qualities for these regions have been carefully recorded (map and descriptions), with associated ambitions. The area profiles are an important instrument for the province to safeguard spatial quality. In 2018, the Vallei en Veluwe water board is working on a Blue Environmental Vision. With this, the water board puts the major role of water in a sustainable living environment on the map by means of a circular approach.