Marijne Kreulen has been an urban designer and landscape designer at H+N+S Landscape Architects since 2021. In times of increasing demand for space, she finds this combination of learning pathways very interesting. In projects, Marijne looks for a transferable narrative and a solid core.
Urban designer, landscape designer
Marijne Kreulen

Marijne was trained at TU Delft within the Urbanism (MSc) learning track. During an exchange program with the University of Melbourne, she developed a fascination for the interaction between man and landscape. That is why she continued her education with the Infrastructure & Environment Design annotation, an interdisciplinary graduate program that delves into current problems in urban planning, hydraulic engineering and ecology.
At H+N+S, Marijne works on projects at various scales, ranging from masterplans on the neighbourhood scale to regional water visions. She has a fascination for water, it always seems to play a role in her work. She contributed to "Ambitiedocument Blauwe Agenda" for the Utrechtse Heuvelrug (2022), a robust water vision exploring the relationship between land use and the water system. Commissioned by Natuurkracht, she investigated how natural measures in the catchment area of the Geul can contribute to water retention and slowing down overland flow (2023). In Grou, she is involved in designing a new neighbourhood featuring different typologies on living with water.
She enjoys sharing the results of research/design ventures with others, for example during a lecture at the 'Slim omgaan met water' symposium organized by Utrechts Landschap (November 2023) and in the architecture café 'Lang zal die Leven' by FASadE (April 2023).
In addition to design, research is also a focal point for Marijne, including the writing of a paper on the applicability of the casco model and the layer approach in the context of contemporary planning challenges in the Netherlands ("Redesigning Delta’s," 2023). She contributed to the article 'Verrijking van het Ruimtelijk Uitvoeringsplan met de ondergrondse dimensie' commissioned by the Flemish government (Hooimeijer et al., 2021). Her master thesis, titled 'Offshore Urbanism' (TUDelft, 2021), was exhibited at the 'Inland, Seaward' exhibition (July 2021) and 'New Cartographies/New Narratives' (November 2023) by the Delta Urbanism research group.
In addition to her work at H+N+S, she is pursuing the PEP professional training. Marijne enjoys mountain and water sports and occasionally writes poetry.