Together with Adrian Noortman (Van Hall Larenstein) and Maike Warmerdam/Stijn Koole (Bosch Slabbers), Hank van Tilborg and Jaap van der Salm wrote the article 'A study in Salt Marshes'. The article was published in Landschape Architecture Magazine, the magazine of the American trade association ASLA
A Study in Salt Marshes

Jan. 2, 2023
The article is based on a research project conducted by students from Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences. The article links the ideas of Frederick Law Olmsted, as the 'father' of American landscape architecture, to the work of BoschSlabbers and H+N+S on coastal reinforcement based on natural systems. Olmsted designed an inspiring plan for the Back Bay Fens in Boston in which he looked beyond the standard quick and technical solutions and looked for intelligent adaptations using the natural system. In the meantime, this way of looking has been lost in the US and funnily enough, Dutch agencies such as H+N+S and BoschSlabbers are being brought in through 'Dutch Dialogues' and competitions such as 'Rebuild by Design' to draw attention to this way of working again.
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